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Old 4th June 2023, 03:57 PM   #29
EAAF Staff
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Location: Upstate New York, USA
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Default Another gaucho knife

I bought this puñal at a nearby semiannual flea market yesterday. I believe that I may well have walked past it previously, but I was trudging the fields alone yesterday and taking my time. The blade is 9¼ inches with some file work on the spine, evidence of repeated honing and a mark like the top of a handled trophy cup, either lightly struck or partially worn away. I could not find this mark in Dagas de Plata. At first the silverwork seemed a bit crude to me, but its appeal has grown. The cross section of the handle is very rectangular and the two narrower sides are not decorated. I am not sure that I believe the tiny '900' marks. The mounts have taken a few dings and I suspect it has been dropped onto a hard surface hilt first on at least one occasion.
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