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Old 1st June 2023, 10:34 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,262

Alan, I know you don't have any interest in Keris from that region, so your interest in this particular case is likely having another reason, different from the gathering of information. Well, fair enough.

Regarding the "wrongko" - carving of Sampir is not old style, the overall form is of course right, but there are details, which are not done in the way they were done on antique examples.

Buntut is an recent form, such form simply doesn't exist on antique examples. It also looks like having been made from soft wood, which isn't the traditional choice for Buntut.

Batang is the only part of this example, which looks ok (for a pre-WWII sheath).

The "hilt cup" (I know, in that place you wanted read the magic word Kili-Kili) is a recent, simplifyed version of an older form. This version isn't older then 25-30 years.

As I wrote, the blade likely is antique, I have my doubts about Gonjo. I could be wrong with these doubts, to confirm I would need to see the blade in person.

With recent I meen post-Kamardhikan.
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