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Old 26th May 2023, 09:07 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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These type 'kora' are typically ritual weapons for sacrificing of doves if I recall. This one has the eye (for Kali) and the type of motif seen on these forms, as well as traces of red paint remaining in the pommel disc. They are said to be Bengali, which seems understandable given the proximity to Nepal, also the prevalent Rajput influence in these regions. The hilt style on this example resembles tulwar hilts from Rajasthan.

As far as I know these were not combat arms, as the Gurkha kora was, and would not have had wootz blades. I would be interested to know if any such ritual weapons had blades of wootz as such affectation would normally be to weapons of station or parade/ceremonial/court.
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