Warecow, yes the shape is very pretty, indeed awesome and also very practical to for cutting and stabbing in close quarter I would say, the tiredness will not show so much after proper polish and etch.
Oliver, I don't use course sandpapers so do not worry, only a fool would use such things for this job.
Rick, it is possible to bring those edges back, takes some doing but is possible for sure with the right tools and patience but would be a job that needs doing by hand, not sure I will attempt it but I will certainly give it a fine polish and etch to see what may be there.
I was hoping it was Ottoman so would show a possible scarf weld at the forte and heaped Turkish ladder pattern as I prefer it to wootz, I am not a fan of wootz personally, think it is over rated although obviously expensive and valuable in certain circles of collecting.
That said wootz will do for me if it is when the job is done.
I bought the sword for resale after having a go at sorting it out a bit, looked to me worthy of the job, when done I will show some better pics, my camera is damaged at present and a new one on its way to me and not having an existential crisis rectangle as most humans do these days means I have to wait for it to arrive, the pics here are from the auction it came from with altered background.
