Here are the unusual and large paired antler hilt and silver ferule knives that came with the pair of swords, they are 48 cm long from tip of blade to tip of the hilt in a straight line and have 5 mm thick spines at the hilt, also very unusual for the south east Asian regions, one cleaned here the other not, I will when both are cleaned etch with lime juice to bring out the hamon's clearly.
These are for me a pistol grip type like a Badek - Badik, which are seen coming from southern Thailand and in the BKK armoury museum in many numbers, so maybe they had the same in southern Cambodia which is my suggestion, still no actual proof that they are though.
The silver ferrules though look pretty bog standard for dha and daab right across the region, even into Burma, so these to are a hard one to pinpoint, definitely unusual and all coming from the same estate in eastern Uk.
Any ideas would be interesting to hear.