Length 71cm, blade 51 cm, spine thickness at forte 7mm, tip 3mm, it has a domed and slightly ridged spine, straight blade with single cutting edge, shows lamination and a hamon, and the hilt is hand and a half type shorter than usual daab of Thai style, with black lacquered hardwood with layered gold bronze lathe turned mounts, not gilded, baht ''dipped'' gold, like rolled gold.
It has a through tang that is peened at its end and domed.
The blade has a very well done forge weld in the slightly darker section in my pics, very pronounced and stands out slightly from the flat edge more one side than the other, obviously a well executed fix by an expert smith after being damaged, it has a single non machined blood let groove, and a few tiny edge niks at the tip.
The sword is also quite heavy, the blade is very HARD and sharp right to the point of tip.
Normally I would say Thailand 19thc around 1880s, and possibly used by the armed oarsmen on the klong - river royal barges who carry a very similar type sword back slung, could even be one ??, but it is not the usual blade shape for such swords at the tip which are usually cleaver tip down curve '' daab dang slong hua to'', often seen in use with a shield - dang.
I am wondering it if is not Cambodian 19thc, just have a feeling about it, looks very Khmer to me.
