Originally Posted by Maj-Biffy Snodgrass
I have an idea where this one is from but am not certain, my thoughts are Austrisn or German end of the 19thc to 1920s, Victorian era I suppose.
The blade is in very high polish, thick and like a razor along its cutting edge, the guard is nickel silver and the small ferrule with Greek fret repousse design on it is in 925 grade silver, the silver throat collar on the leather over wood sheath is in 925 grade silver, and sadly the silver end chape of the sheath is missing.
Is it a mans knife of a ladies muff dagger for self protection ??? who knows, it is certainly a quality piece wherever if is from.
size is just 9 inches long in sheath, the blade is 5 inches ,long and is oval section, can anybody place it for exact origin please ?.   Snody
Hello Snody.
I've always liked those small, dainty wavy-bladed knives. I have a similar one in my collection. I think Detlef is right and it's Germany. Somewhere I came across information that such knives were worn by men.