Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Detlef, in Bahasa Indonesia the word "panghulu" (also penghulu, pengulu, pangulu) means a village chief or a leader.
In the Ahmad Ubbe book the word used for "hilt" is "hulu" with "pangulu" in brackets after "hulu"; he gives "kili-kili" as the word for "mendak", also bracketted after "kili-kili".
If we read down through the following description of the hilts, further information is given, including "tipe" (in English:- "type"), for example, "rekko" which appears to be the name Ahmad Ubbe uses for this bent over pistol grip form of hilt.
As I have previously written, I have next to no knowledge in respect of this type of keris, but I do have Ahmad Ubbe's book --- much of which I find a bit confusing.
Hello Alan,
Yes, he used the term "pangulu" for hulu, you are correct and specified it furthermore. But it seems that this term gets used by collectors for this typical pistol grip here and elsewhere.
I should have written more clearly and specifically, sorry!
