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Old 19th May 2023, 12:12 AM   #12
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Detlef, in Bahasa Indonesia the word "panghulu" (also penghulu, pengulu, pangulu) means a village chief or a leader.

In the Ahmad Ubbe book the word used for "hilt" is "hulu" with "pangulu" in brackets after "hulu"; he gives "kili-kili" as the word for "mendak", also bracketted after "kili-kili".

If we read down through the following description of the hilts, further information is given, including "tipe" (in English:- "type"), for example, "rekko" which appears to be the name Ahmad Ubbe uses for this bent over pistol grip form of hilt.

As I have previously written, I have next to no knowledge in respect of this type of keris, but I do have Ahmad Ubbe's book --- much of which I find a bit confusing.
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