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Old 17th May 2023, 01:02 PM   #2
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I was told by a Tausug elder that it is not as accurate as it should be...there's an interesting geopolitical struggle with regard to the Sulu people (Moro lineage, lived/grew up in PH) and the Suluk (Moro lineage, lived/grew up in Indomalay areas). There are deeper nuances than this (ideological, even religious differences), but that's mainly how I remember it, at least for me as an outsider.

Notice that the book title used "Suluk." There are differences in interpretation and, crassly speaking, even gaps in knowledge because of this geopolitical nuance. Not to throw any shade on the esteemed authors, but the Sulu-based elders of yesteryears had comprehensive barung and ukkil knowledge retained from previous generations, as compared to those that were consulted for the book.

As a disclaimer, my view is not open for debate. That's how I see it- and it can't be changed, as my mentors are Sulu elders and have gifted me with treasured knowledge not contained in the book- hence my bias.
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