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Old 13th May 2023, 01:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Kmaddock View Post
Hi All
Thank you for kind words.
The storm has passed for the moment and things are back on a reasonably even keel.
The chances of my Zulu spears and shield ever getting on the wall are very much diminished though.
I enjoyed reading the responses though but as yet my 150 odd pieces are still safely in my hands, the idea of culling un wanted pieces to free up space and money though I might act on.
I have some pieces of 1800's British edged weapons that just don't fit into my collecting sphere maybe i should release them back into the collecting savanna?
Keep well all and thanks again
why not have your Zulu spears still on the wall behind glass ?
That would take care of it and take away the risk.

I have no little children but yet have my collection out of reach anyway and with a cat who occassionally goes wild when chasing a fly or a spider, having my collection "locked" behind a glass display or cupboard solves quite a lot...
Makes you and your boss / wife happy, whilst the kids are out of the dangerzone...and not even talking about the legal consequences in a worst case scenario!

Last edited by gp; 13th May 2023 at 05:33 PM.
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