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Old 10th May 2023, 05:56 PM   #11
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Jokes aside, this is a serious topic.

If I were you Ken, I would look at this as an opportunity to reevaluate and restructure my collection. I am not sure exactly where the line is between collecting and hoarding, but one test is perhaps the ability to let go of things. If you go through your collection with a more critical eye, there will probably be certain items that you may not want to keep. You can sell those and use the proceeds to buy fewer items, but of superior quality.

By trading quantity for quality, it would give your wife and others a sense of thinning of the collection, though from your point of view you would not be losing anything. A smaller collection can then be stored in a more secure place easier.

When it comes to emotional reactions, often showing an attempt to fix a situation is more important than actually fixing it, and should calm the situation down faster than if you try to downplay what happened.
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