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Old 9th May 2023, 10:50 PM   #9
asomotif's Avatar
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Hello Ken,

Well, that is an unfortunate accident/incident for sure.
Although your son will probably be in puberty and part of the brain seems to turn into useless jelly during that period, I am sure this will be a lesson he will remember. Can it ease your wife's mind when there is a lock on the study ?

Personally I have a wall of spears in the living room. When my daughter was small I also had a basket full of klewang in the living. This never caused any problems. Also not with visiting kids. My daughter (18 yrs now) just confirmed that her friends are sometimes sort of impressed by the collection of spears, but they (fortunately) never show any intentions to fool around with them.

Interesting is that my wife has no problems with the weapons.
The wall of spears was in fact her idea. We have mandau's on display which she basiccaly likes. She does not like keris or rentjong and klewang, so they are in the attic.
Years ago I discovered that she really does not like fire arms.
I bought a blunderbuss from Atjeh and she was very clear on that one. I am not into fire arms myself, so it was never discussed before, but the blunderbuss had to go. My wife explained that to her this was a weapon designed to kill people....
Ok, I almost made the mistake of explaining her that the other weapons originally has a similar purpose

I wish you good luck finding a solution.

Best regards,
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