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Old 9th May 2023, 04:13 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250

I read your post with sympathy and a bit of amusement.
First, consider yourself lucky; had you been stateside, you would have been probably talking to a lawyer about suing you instead of a father.
Secondly and more importantly, if you have a good wife, educate her rather than get rid of her as it will cost you less and you will end up losing the collection anyway. You can advise her that the value of your collection is doing better than your 401K plan. Next, you can relate to her by informing her that even though you don't understand her need for dozens of pairs of shoes and purses that she possesses and will never wear more than once, you accept that as she should accept your desire to collect the things that you like, and whereas her items have no resale value, yours do. Take her to a real Militaria show; she will meet some of the most educated people around and the old men will swarm around her, making her feel like a movie star. You should follow that up with a great meal(spare no expense), at an excellent restaurant.
Boys being boys, they would have gotten into something had they not gotten into your study; whether it was the kitchen drawer full of knives or your tool shed with hammers, nails, saws, etc. The results would have been the same, somebody cut or bleeding. I do think that your son should suffer as you have suffered, as there are consequences for his careless behavior. I might suggest that he be placed on restriction for a couple of weeks, doing any chore that your wife requests, such as cleaning, laundry, pulling weeds out of the flower bed, etc. If you really want to be harsh, you can insist that every time your wife goes shopping, he must accompany her.
All in all, I am guessing that you have 2 very fine sons and a nice wife, and this will be a funny story to be brought up at the next Christmas gathering.
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