Thread: my last keris
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Old 3rd May 2023, 01:30 PM   #97
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Very well Marco, all understood, and for the record, I have not found any of your posts to be offensive. However, you do clearly find a post --- or perhaps more than one post --- of mine to be so objectionable in style that it has the potential to cause some people to go running in a direction away from us.

My attitude might be a bit old fashioned about this, but the fact is that nobody can please everybody, and if some people do not wish to learn, then nobody can make them learn.

Personally, I cannot see the fortress nor its drawbridge that you can see.

What I can see is fairly strictly regulated discussion group that was created out of the desire to remove impoliteness and the idiocy of on-line challenges to duels at dawn, from discussions about keris.

We all know what the rules are, and we nearly always play the game by these rules. I see this discussion group as a place where almost no nonsense surfaces but plain, ordinary old fashioned facts and opinions are given free reign.

One thing that does occur to me is this:- the keris itself is a difficult, a very difficult, artefact to come to terms with, there are many ways in which to think about the keris, and some of these ways are not necessarily inclusive of others.

The FB people seem to play the game by different rules to the ones that we adhere to here, so maybe what we are experiencing is something similar to a generation gap.

Our style here might well not suit the people from more recent generations.

But whatever the causes of a fall off in participation might be here, I doubt that anything will change, the people who want social involvement and a feel-good experience will continue with FB, the people who need a slightly more sober approach will continue their involvement with us.
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