Thread: my last keris
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Old 2nd May 2023, 01:34 PM   #87
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yes Marco, you are very correct about the decrease in participation.

I've thought about this on & off for a long time, and other than the fact that the content of our posts tends towards a mature rather dry style, I really do not have any answers.

But that said, I have observed the style & content of the FB groups, and in terms of pure, supportable information this Keris Warung Forum does, I believe, have a great deal more to offer than any other discussion group of which I have knowledge.

Perhaps part of the problem might be that information is provided in response to questions, and most of the common questions have already been answered.

There are possibly only a very few people who are equipped to ask the uncommon questions, and even less people who can answer those questions. In fact, the really difficult questions seem to not yet have answers.

The FB groups seem to me to be rather socially orientated, social interaction seems to more prevalent than cold, hard facts.


reverse mounting of a hilt is not really uncommon, the uncommon thing with Marco's keris is that it has been mounted back to front in the wrongko.
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