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Old 29th April 2023, 12:03 AM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Detlef, in later times, this is so, but I cannot really specify "later times". My best guess is late Majapahit to early Islamic.

The the word "wedhung" means "axe" in Old Javanese, & truly old wedhung were in fact a tool that was required to be worn at court in order to show that high ranking nobles were still servants of their lord and were willing to cut a way through the jungle for him.

Some very early wedhung are great big hulking whackers, as are some very recent ones. I have some that were made on order for a royal house, and then the order was cancelled, and these were made specifically as a tribute to the past, even though intended to be worn as required dress.
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