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Old 28th April 2023, 06:13 AM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Rick View Post
JIm, regarding the two kaskara hilts shown in the above post by you; a question, has anyone come up with a meaning or origin of the mark on the right hand blade? Does this mark signify european or local manufacture?
The Kaskara that I own has this same mark, and maybe my memory is failing me but I can't remember whether it was identified.
Rick, you and I are likely on same memory issues, but this strange mark as far as I know has never been identified. I recall we termed it the 'enigma' and there were notions that it might be related to some of the unusual marks seen in Briggs (1965). I recall even thinking it might have been related to some Sudanese cattle brands, which had a moment of promise but no further support.
It seems you and I have the only examples of this mark (that I can recall), but these discussions were 14 or more years ago, and I think I've had the sword for about 20 years or so.
The mark does not indicate European source for the blade, but it may be a copy of one.
Really hoped we'd find some solution, but there are many 'enigmas' with these weapons.......shaver cool man!
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