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Old 27th April 2023, 07:25 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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The history of the 'kaskara' is complex, and as often discussed over the years, that term is unknown in Sudan for these broadswords simply known as sa'if.
While these became widely used and known through the Sudan during the Mahdiyya, they were not especially so during earlier times, with tribesmen typically armed with spears, axes etc.

Until then the possession and use of broadswords was pretty much held to ranking figures of various station, and primarily related to the Mamluk state in Sennar and the Funj dynasty. While not well versed in the complexities of all this, my point is that to presume this example is 17th century is more than unlikely, and like many, if not even most Islamic swords of this high stature, usually commemorative.

The powerful figures of the past are very much celebrated with kaskara of these kinds, and the mention of Ali Dinar is a great case in point. Swords reputed to be those of important figures are often held as such, despite being more modern creation.

The evolution of the familiar Sudanese kaskara as a form which has become emblematic of the Sudan is much in the fashion of the so called Omani 'kattara' which has become symbolic there despite being a late arrival there in its familiar form which dates only into early 1800s.

Looking at an example of a kaskara of the Funj Sultanate in Sennar said to be of 18th century Nasir ibn Badi (attached) the hilt style is clearly what is termed 'kasallawi' (=from Kasalla, Reed, 1987) and typically associated with Ali Dinar, the last sultan of Darfur. The familiar X on the crossguard is deemed of this 'Darfur' type (after Reed, 1987), and on the example Mauro has posted.

It does seem that Darfur had a keen propensity for elaborately appointed 'kaskara' and often of commemorative character. There are numbers of examples with various religiously aligned characters and symbols, the snake with possible Sufi connection (this is on many Sudanese blades) the dual moons are a cosmologically related device seen sometimes with the 'Lohr' panels on some blades.

Next is my example of the 'Kasallawi' form, again deemed of Ali Dinar form according to apocryphal associations, this one in fact is purported to be from his armory. He was killed by British forces in 1914, during insurgency in Darfur.

Clearly both these kaskara reflect character more of the periods they were actually produced or at least hilted in. The sunburst device is something I have seen noted in Ed's outstanding work on Sudanese arms and if I recall is seen on an even more modern instance of kaskara .

The example Mauro has posted is an outstanding example which despite likely more modern creation reflects profoundly important tradition in the Sudan, and as blades were often remounted many times, and embellished with such commemorative motif, it is hard to say exactly how old the blade actually is.

I have been fascinated by these swords of the Sudan for many years, and it seems the more I think I learn, the more questions there are. These observations are meant as part of my own learning process, so hope they will be useful, and always look forward to any correction.
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Last edited by Jim McDougall; 27th April 2023 at 07:50 PM.
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