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Old 25th April 2023, 03:25 PM   #10
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by RobT View Post
AFAIK, wedong serve a ceremonial purpose and, in the case of those worn in the kraton, are deliberately fashioned to be unsuitable as a weapon. The false edge on your blade would seem to defeat that design.
Nice knife Sid. While i know nothing about it i have to agree that it is not a wedhung. I don't believe it is a Javanese blade either. I tend to agree with the theory of a Sumatran origin.
Rob, again, while i generally agree, i must point out that my own wedhung, which is a early Mataram variety, does indeed have a false edge, so that alone is not a valid reason to dismiss a blade as a wedhung. Hopefully you can see it well enough in this photograph, but i can assure you that there is definitely an intentional false edge on this blade.
I will also add that while these are for the most part ceremonial blades, that does not necessarily mean that they were never applied to practical purposes within the keraton. If your king wanted something cut in the keraton, that task could very well be accomplished with a wedhung.
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Last edited by David; 26th April 2023 at 02:14 PM. Reason: spelling
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