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Old 22nd April 2023, 10:55 PM   #98
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Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 813

First to the members celebrating the end of the Ramadan: Bayram Mubarek Olsun! Happy Eid el Fitr ! ☼

Tip on displays:

some guys who make standard ones do custom make them as well when asked and for not too much additional costs.

I met a very kind guy in the UK who makes 3D printed display stands.
Amongst them some for knives, bayonets and daggers.
So I simply asked if he could make a long(er) one ; long enough to support 2 yataghans. Gave him the dimensions and he did.
Got 2 set for 2 yataghans each and one set to support a yataghan and its scabbard.

The advantage of these 3 printed ones: they are very light and still do support my yataghans very well. Hence shipping costs are very low due to the weight ; almost to be ignored and hence when paying import duties ( % on purchase price + freight) and VAT taxes on all your costs due to Brexit.... remain low. As also the price of these 3D printed once are not high...
So I am getting aways from the wooden ones and turn to these black "printed"once. Modern technology for this old bloke ☺ And like lego, you can take them apart easily as there is no need to glue the 9 pcs.
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Last edited by gp; 23rd April 2023 at 04:02 PM.
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