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Old 22nd April 2023, 09:40 PM   #6
Keris forum moderator
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Hi Jeff. Nice Bali keris. I like it! Could it be Lombok? Sure. But with a keris like this i am not sure if we can ever really be sure and i think it could just as likely be Bali as well. Lombok was under Balinese control for some time and i believe it is often difficult to tell if a keris blade was actually made in one place or another. Sometimes dress might be a clue, but then it is only a clue as to where the blade ended up, not necessarily where it originated. I don't see anything that dictates this sheath is specifically Lombok rather than Balinese. This is a variation of cenangan hilt that has these finger grooves in them and i believe i have seen examples similar to this that have been identified as Lombok.
While i am not aware of the name that Amuk Murugal has given for this dhapur anything is possible. As you probably know, names can be very localized things and vary from place to place.
Pakem is a Javanese word and i am not aware of there being a Balinese Pakem for the dhapur of Balinese blades from the specific kingdoms. Are there written pakem from Bali. If there are perhaps Amuk can point us to where they can be found.
I have no idea what Amuk means by the following:if the blade length >42cm., it's a sandang walikat (worn over the shoulderblade) since "sandang walikat" is a form of sheath (not the kind yours is) and has nothing to do with the length or type of blade.
I am likewise confused by his use of the word " tjorok" and what he means by an "emergency sword". In searches i have seen to word attached to a few of keris for sale online, but they have all been Javanese keris so i don't know if this is a Javanese word or not or what the diameter of the pesi has to do with this designation. Perhaps Amuk can enlighten us.
I do have another Bali keris that is pamorless like yours (Rick, you may recognize this old friend ). While the dhapur is somewhat different (unlike yours mine has sogokan, kembang kacang pogok and lambe gajah) this keris does have the same over all profile along the length of the blade that bellies out slightly in the middle and it has a similar termination at the tip.
I could be wrong, but i suspect that pamorless blades like this may well have been produced more specifically as a fighting blade rather than for status.
Please forgive the low quality quick cellphone photos.
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