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Old 19th April 2023, 07:58 PM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Balkan history

Still catching up is a severe understatement: my remaining years would not suffice.
Yes, it is seriously fascinating history here, and I know nothing of it at all.
Of course, the world is a big place, full of division and endless bloody squabbles.
The literal translation of the word 'war' in Tibetan is "I want more cows"; succinct to say the least.
Being from the borders of Scotland and England (Newcastle) we never knew who was in charge from day to day. We didn't take sides, just welcomed whoever was in the ascendancy at the time.
Meet the new boss... same as the old boss.
Of course, without the wars there would be no swords and etc; we would have to collect something else.
It's astonishing just what is collectable these days: airline sick-bags anyone?
Sorry, strayed of the subject a touch.
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