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Old 19th April 2023, 02:06 PM   #9
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Sure! I'm not very organized so I have not saved everything, but here are a few, mostly from IPostSwords and a couple of one-offs (Pin & Swords seems promising as a channel that might do more of this though). For a novice like me they had some interesting tips:

Analysing an Artificially Aged "Medieval" Sword (IPostSwords)

FAKE "ANTIQUES": British 1796 Heavy Cavalry Swords (IPostSwords)

FAKE "ANTIQUES": French Marines Sabres. (IPostSwords)

Fake French Court Sword - Artificially Aged Replica (IPostSwords)

FAKE Flamberge Rapier on EBAY - $18,000! (IPostSwords)

FAKE "ANTIQUES": 1803 British Light Infantry Officers Sabres (IPostSwords)

A French Imperial Guard Infantry Officer Sabre (Pin & Swords)

2019 CNES les faux sabres du Premier Empire par Bertrand MALVAUX (Experts CNES)

FAKE Cutlass or Fake Sword, and/or REPRODUCTION Cutlass or Reproduction Sword of US Navy M1860 Naval Cutlass (the pirate's lair)

If anyone else has any others to add, please post them here!

Last edited by werecow; 19th April 2023 at 03:40 PM.
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