Thread: Java Keris
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Old 17th April 2023, 11:28 PM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964



Jawa Tengah in general?

East Jawa to conform with wider standard?

The pendok motif is sort of not quite anything.

The gambar is generic Jawa Tengah, tending to Solo.

But there is one slightly unusual feature in the entire scabbard assembly:- the pendok has a lis, not a very well executed one, but a lis just the same.

Once any keris moves away from the influence of a socio-cultural dictate, wide ranging variation in recognised forms & motifs can & often does, creep in.

This is a very ordinary keris, but when it was new, it was very probably the pride & joy of somebody, he had achieved ownership of possibly the best that could be done in his particular location.

My personal opinion is that it is sufficient to describe this keris as stylistically Central Jawa.
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