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Old 16th April 2023, 10:41 PM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


You have a very nice saber, but please don't call me too stuffy if I can't call it a Kaskara. As we accept, the kaskara is a double edged straight broad sword with a signature forged iron cross guard and scabbard. Your saber has a cast copper alloy cross guard in the Ottoman style often seen on Thuluth inscribed swords in the otherwise kaskara style.

Agreed in the 18th C & early 19th C elites across the Sahel used imported sabers, but they gave way once European trade blades flooded Sudan from the early 19th C. onward. During this period the iconic kaskara style emerged and solidified.

Does your saber has a scabbard? Its style could support the saber's origin.

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