Thread: Lumad Sword
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Old 16th April 2023, 01:23 AM   #13
Vikingsword Staff
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The more I look at your wonderful sword the more I find to like about it. The scabbard is probably the best I have seen in terms of intact bead work and the unusual use of twigs, etc. The sword is easily a hundred years old IMHO. There are old pictures from around 1900-1915 that show very similar swords and scabbards. The Bagobos, more than most Lumad groups, like to dress up with a lot of beading on male garments. Their bead work is sought out for its detail and extent of us on various items. even everyday tote bags would be decorated with beads.

The hilt is typical Bagobo style, not Datu class but definitely in the traditional form. The "fat belly" blade is also a common Bagobo blade form. I don't know it's local name. Perhaps someone here can inform us.

Just an excellent ensemble! Congratulations
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