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Old 13th April 2023, 01:09 PM   #4
kronckew's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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The sword arrived this morning, as expected, the 3-section bone grip on both sides have sections front and back missing, retaining the pinned central section. Bone scales I ordered should arrive today/tomorrow.

The sword itself is in excellent shape, the blade is very slightly curved, the height of the chord arc is about a 1/4 in. Blade is patinated but no rust, except some light rust where the scale parts are missing. Blade is 26.25 in. long, 1 7/16 in. wide at the guard, 2 1/4 in. ricasso, pronounced 3/8 in. wide T-spine, elevated 8 in. yelman, very sharp, polished (and patinated) edge, yelman as well. Shallow 1/4 in. wide, fuller under the T-spine.

Photos of script marking on guard strap and brass ricasso inlay attached. The area where the guard/blade join does NOT have a filleted weld, it's just a less patinated bit, and is flat, looks like there may have been a leather or felt washer there once.

Will post more photos as the grip gets its new clothes.
Attached Images

Last edited by kronckew; 13th April 2023 at 01:56 PM.
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