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Old 11th April 2023, 01:19 PM   #41
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another positive effect of these films: it did give fencing clubs a membership boost!

When my daughter was 13 or 14....she fell in love with a very handsome pirate from the Caribbean....Jack Sparrow!
Persistant as she was, my daughter that is, traded swimming and ballet for fencing !
I guess quite some fencing clubs did grow because of Jack Sparrow....

When I was a young lad, my hero was Zorro (Guy Williams) but it was not easy and quite expensive to get fencing or sword lessons.

Glad my daughter and many girls with her had that opportunity; membership was only 30 Euro's per month and a foil or epee for 100 ( less than football/soccer boots...)

and talking vintage: vintage epees or foils can be bought for very reasonable prices in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and the Netherlands

Last edited by gp; 11th April 2023 at 06:40 PM.
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