Thread: Thin kindjal
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Old 3rd April 2023, 06:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 108
Default Thin kindjal

After obtaining my unusual (and my fiirst) kindjal that I displayed in a previous thread, I felt the urge to get more. I purchased this one recently and it too exhibits some unusual characteristics. When it is viewed from one of it's faces, it looks like a normal kindjal but when turned 90 degrees you can see that the blade and hilt are quite thin. It also lacks the rivet domes that I would expect on a classic kindjal. Although not all kindjal have these it is certainly a common feature. The rivets on my example are flush with the hilt scales, which are composed of an unknown material. The seller didn't seem to sure either so that will remain a mystery until I get the piece in my hands. The approximately 11 inch blade and 4.5 inch hilt seem to be of a normal size, so this was probably not made for a child/young adult. The engraving on the grip doesn't look familiar to my amateur eyes. An oddball in my opinion, but this is certainly not my area of expertise (not that I can claim to have one). These are the seller's photos, I will take my own if I notice something not present in the seller's photos.
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