Thread: my last keris
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Old 31st March 2023, 05:14 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Marcokeris View Post
sorry David. I wanted to put the smiley with the eye that winks ... I clicked wrong. I'm sorry. What does terminologists of kitchens mean? I'm Italian and I don't know the meaning
Well language on an international forum is always a challenge. So it is possible that you did not fully understand what Alan was trying to tell you in post #23.
The word "dapur" that you are using actually translates to the english word "kitchen" in Bahasa Indonesian. I have seen this word used in certain keris literature, but it is not the correct word for the shape or profile of a keris. Most of the words that we use in keris terminology that apply to Javanese keris are in fact Javanese words, not Bahasa Indonesian. The correct word you are looking for here is the Javanese word "dhapur", which translates into English as "shape" or "form".
There are a number of cases like this where a misused spelling gets repeated enough times that it becomes a common mistake. "Peksi" is another one i see frequently when referring to the tang of a blade. That word actually means "bird", often meaning a chicken, but the proper term is actually spelled "pesi".
I hope that clears things up.
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