Thread: Java Keris
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Old 30th March 2023, 05:07 AM   #4
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While I certainly believe it is true the the number of luk have meaning I believe that meaning is very likely different not only based upon which keris bearing culture we are discussing, but also which era or kingdom the keris originated from. I am afraid I cannot at this time confirm what you have heard about 3 luk keris regarding Javanese keris. If I am not mistaken I believe originally in the time before Islam the number of luk would relate to you particular station in life. And related to the number of roofs in temple shrines.
I was not suggesting the greneng was added at a much later date, just a possible afterthought. It may in fact be original to the keris, but it is cut incorrectly for a Javanese blade. Probably a better reason for this is simply that it was done by an inexperienced village smith who didn’t know any better. At any rate it looks odd.
Staining the blade could be helpful in revealing more information about this blade .
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