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Old 30th March 2023, 04:59 AM   #5
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138
Default Great sword!

This really is a great example of a Black Watch basket and I've always wanted to add one of these to my collection to represent the many Scots who came to the U.S. and fought with these during the French and Indian War and American Revolution. Many of the Scottish who moved to eastern North Carolina took part in the Battle of Moore's Creek not too far from me. It is said that during the French Indian campaign (ca. 1759-60), the Scots chose to carry their basket hilts and a tomahawk axe as opposed to a musket and bayonet as most of the other troops did.

This pattern is definitely post Culloden, lacking the 'fishtail' decoration and merlons of the earlier baskets and the later post 1750 conical pommel versus the 'mushroom' shaped type from earlier as seen on Jim's example. What a great piece of history you have! Congrats!
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