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Old 24th March 2023, 09:54 PM   #23
Tordenskiold1721's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 71

It's been my understanding that the term Schwedendegen was slang originating towards the end of the Danish phase of the 30-year war and used during the continuations in the Swedish wars up until the end of the great Northern war as slang term for a sword to be used against the Sweds. As a "degen" for use against the Swedes". There are some literature references for this, but I will have to return with specific references when I am with my library. Until then, it is only my five cent's inputs

The link is to the latest one I bought, of this type.

In old inventory lists they are often referred to as commissioned degen, as they were commissioned and approved for production and issuing holding the commissions specification. Feltedegen is a very broad and general term, that includes various types of swords, if my understanding, based on contemporary literature and inventory lists are correct. I been wrong before and could be wrong again....

The armory at Skokloster and the castle can be seen in this documentary in Swedish with English subtitles:
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