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Old 24th March 2023, 02:53 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Rob,

I fully agree this blade is not related at all!

This almost certainly is a Sumatran piece - no close relationship with any blade from Java or Bali here.

AFAIK, wedong serve a ceremonial purpose and, in the case of those worn in the kraton, are deliberately fashioned to be unsuitable as a weapon. The false edge on your blade would seem to defeat that design.
I don't believe the false edge alters function a lot - this still seems to be a chopping/slashing blade.

More importantly, while the wedung/wedong Jawa mainly is a ceremonial blade, it's (at least symbolic) function is basically being a machete to clear, for example, a trail for the ruler; I'd posit that its shape does reflect this (potential) use rather than being crippled on purpose. In a pinch, this blade type still lends itself to fighting if needed: it resembles heavy badik or smaller barung. Moreover, members of the court carried at least a keris which would pose a greater threat.

I could be wrong but, given the size and shape of the integral blade bolster, I suspect that the hilt isn't original to the blade. The bolster looks like something found on a bade bade.
For some Sumatran blades, there is a distinct step between hilt and bolster. Let's see if there are any hints for any recent modifications. I'd guess it's probably original.

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