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Old 22nd March 2023, 12:34 AM   #9
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Default Atypical for a Khodmi


While the symbol at the base of the blade appears to be something commonly seen on Algerian khodmi, both the blade and hilt of roanoa's knife appear to be atypical for a khodmi. On all of the khodmi blades I have seen, the bolster is integral with the blade and the blades are asymmetrically ground. Likewise, none of the eight blades in my modest collection have a ricasso/sharpening stop, nor can I remember seeing this feature on any khodmi. Finally, I can't recall ever having seen a fuller on the stereotypical khodmi blade type. As for the hilts, those on the stereotypical khodmi type are usually kerfed to accept the tang and the blade is held to the hilt with a ferrule made of wrapped wire. I have never seen a ferrule like the one on roanoa's hilt on a khodmi. Nor have I ever seen a khodmi with a butt cap.

Correct me if I am wrong but I was always under the impression that the genoui was a straight bladed version of the koummya.

I do have a genoui in koummya dress that has a single edge blade.


Last edited by RobT; 22nd March 2023 at 12:45 AM. Reason: grammar & additional info
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