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Old 19th March 2023, 04:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post

To me this looks like what is often referred to as a "Chain of Office" or a "Livery Collar," such as worn by government official or a Mayor of a city. There would be a medallion of some sort hanging from the central "key." These chains are quite long, hanging around the neck, resting on the shoulders and across the chest.

If you google "Chain of Office" you will see some very lavish examples in gold, etc. However, your example might be for a city councilor or a mayor is a small burg.

P.S. Are you sure it's brass and not gold?
Hi Ian,

Sorry for my late reply, I've overseen your reply. It seems that you have solved the mystery. Thank you very much! I have this necklace already long and never have known what it is, so I am very thankful!


PS: I am nearly sure that it isn't gold!
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