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Old 17th March 2023, 07:34 PM   #23
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Fabulous fakery

I am willing to 'suffer the slings and arrows' here because I am not a collector but an appreciator.
Not only would I not hesitate (no double negative) to enthusiastically possess this pair, but I would enjoy them dearly hanging on my wall.
They are impressive indeed.
Of course, I am the type who attempts to restore stuff to showroom quality because I feel the man who made it would not be happy to see it distressed. Many of you may think I am beyond the pale.
That is a splendid blade from an exceptional smith... well logged into Solingen history.
I suspect it is quite a unique exhibit down in SD... how is the arms and armour world down there?
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