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Old 14th March 2023, 02:13 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 271
Default kris cebu

Originally Posted by Ian View Post

Not many people talk openly about spirits living in swords. I know there is traditional thinking on this subject, much of it not communicated outside the particular culture. Among Westerners there is a lot of skepticism, of course. I'm a Westerner, and all I can say is that I have experienced similar sensations to what your father describes, and other things too. I have no logical explanation as to why some swords "speak" to me.

This is the kris that belongs to my father which he claims that he felt 'something' went with him while travelling from the seller's place to our home. My father told me that what he did was to 'talk' to the kris (I assume the entity/djin) on the blade. He informed the entity that he's just a caretaker of the blade, will treat it with utmost respect- and offered some items as a peace offering.
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