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Old 5th March 2023, 01:20 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Lee View Post
Well, RobT has done a fine job of revealing where that particular blade was made!

Struggling through Dagas de Plata with my virtually nonexistent Spanish language skills, I found a reproduction of a catalog page showing complete knives of various styles available from a German supplier (p. 12). Chapter 7 details the development of the blade making center of Tandil, starting in the later part of the first half of the 20th century. I suspect the vast majority of knives used imported blades that were locally mounted up until that time, and that since then the knives have increasingly become a completely South American product.
You are correct Lee, it seems that there was at the beginning an import from Solingen and Sheffield blades to South America and became later an own production under cooperation or bought names to a own production of blades.

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