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Old 3rd March 2023, 09:08 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Spunjer View Post
Hello David,
actually it's ok to call it a kris. during the Philippine Revolution, one of the main theme was going back to the pre-Hispanic days. with that in mind, the Northern Filipinos really looked up to their southern brethrens since the Moros were never subjugated by the Spaniards. that includes copying a facsimile of their weapons, hence the kris style blades.
of note as well, is the spanish term for gunong: kris de punyal
That's OK Ron. LOL! I'll still choose not to call these Luzon swords kris. Do we have any records that show that is what the people of Luzon called them. And i mean then, not how they are marketed today. And as you point out, kris de punyal is the Spanish term for gunong. I'll continue to use gunong.
And Gavin, yeah, i'd call that example you posted a dagger rather than a sword. A very nice one at that!
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