Thread: A Coronado gun
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Old 3rd March 2023, 04:50 PM   #8
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Default There are guns ... and guns !

Judging by the relative position of the barrel hook, there sure was an extension in its back, which could well be an aiming aid tiller. However the pierced hole in the said hook suggests the previous presence of a (wooden) stock, although the lack of a further couple pierced lugs on the barrel disputes such probability. I realize that the absency of a lock does not necessaily mean that a stock should have existed; one may shoot an early gun by having a partner (or himself) to ignite the pan by manually approaching the pan with the match cord or the the hot iron.
We know that often weapons undergo one or more modifications during their life. Could it be that a possible stock, for whatever reason, was discarded whilst the gun was still in use.
On the other hand, admiting that this thing had already seen its best days and was currently used a non weapon tool, still occupies one's imagination. To remember that, according to chronicles, two of six of such devices were left behind with some men, for operational purposes. Could this one end up being the criplled unit, for whatever reason.
Just for the fun, see attached a picture extrated from a Spanish military history blog, labeled as primitive XV century Arcabus de Gancho (literaly haquebut) designed to use in walls. And a brighter picture of the Coronado gun, in the hands of its finder (Courtesy
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