Originally Posted by ariel
BTW, who knows why the capitol of Uruguay is named so?
There are at least two versions regarding the origin of the name. The first is based on the navigation log of the expedition of Fernão de Magalhães (Fernando de Magallanes in Spanish), dated January 1520. This document records the existence of a hill that resembled a hat, located to the right of the sailor. from east to west. This mountain was named "Mount I saw". (MONTE VI EU). Signed by Francisco de Albo, the expedition's quartermaster, this is the oldest document in Spanish that mentions a name similar to "Montevideo". The other version, despite having no basis in historical documents, is more widespread. It reports that, sailing along the Rio de la Plata from East (ESTE) to West (OESTE) (from the Atlantic Ocean to the continent), you can see the 6th mountain in the region where the Uruguayan capital is located today. Hence, the record of "Mount VI from East to West", which in abbreviated form is written MONTE VI-D-E-O.
Sorry; i did not notice Chris post
