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Old 26th February 2023, 03:21 PM   #12
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250

Kai, I understand and endorse your belief that too many people take free reign in ascribing certain unrelated attributes in regards to weapons; my personal peeve is that numerous Philippine knives and swords, especially with guards are listed as "Civil War Confederate."
This instance of 2 swords being almost symmetrical, appeared to me to be an exception. If we saw a US M-1832 Artillery Sword, we would recognize the pattern and acknowledge it as such, without controversy; why can we not assume that some armory in the Philippines was capable of such an endeavor when presented with such examples? We can at least ask the question.
I am warning you that I am actively seeking a third example, lol. Honestly, no disrespect, as I admire the knowledge that you have demonstrated in your posts.
Thanks for the information Battara.
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