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Old 25th February 2023, 03:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250
Default Luzon Kris, just like Robert's

I just acquired this Philippine sword and I was searching the Forum to see if there were any similar examples, and to my surprise, I came upon a Feb.2005 Post by Robert that showed the almost exact weapon. I had to look at it very closely to make sure that wasn't the same piece as it is not uncommon to see some of our pieces traded and sold into the collections of Forum members. His piece was 28" long and mine was approx. 25.5" in length.
This is exciting to me as either the pieces were made by the same smith and/or this style of sword could have been a standard pattern issued to some local Philippine militia. I will now be looking for my third example.
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