Thread: Shipping Woes
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Old 21st February 2023, 09:43 AM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Virginia
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by werecow View Post
Interesting... What country are you in? I've never paid more than a little over half that in shipping from Czerny's (but the last time was early last year), and that was for a large pata gauntlet sword (I still find it absurdly expensive). From what I understand the long wait times have to do with Italian customs rules for exporting antiques.
I'm in Northern VA in the US.

The shipping via direct purchases from individuals in Italy has been great and very efficient. No problems with cites or customs....
Only when I purchase from auction houses do things get complicated and very expensive.

In my experience, France is the country that is the fastest and I have the least problems with when it comes to shipping antique knives and daggers to the US

My only other bad experiences were with DHL, during the heart of COVID, when I think it was bad for everyone.
The items still just took 45 to 100 days.

Ive read here that others have had lost or missing packages shipped from Europe or shipped to Europe from the US....I'm happy to say Ive never had that problem one time.
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