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Old 20th February 2023, 07:10 PM   #11
ASPaulding's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Chris Evans View Post
If you do, please post his reply.

Abel has replied to my email. He was kind enough to let me share them with this group. Thank you

"Dear Adam:

I apologize for my big delay in answering your kind first mail. Iīm very sorry but I was traveling abroad when I received the first one and I needed my computer at my return to view the pictures in detail.

Now, answering your inquire: You have a very beautiful and interesting knife. Definitively it is of Brazilian origin, probably made in Southern Brazil in the early XIX Century considering the shape of its blade.

This type of knife was made for owners of Fazendas (In Argentina: Estancias, in USA Ranch). As you know Southern Brazil has a similar gaucho tradition as in my Country, Argentina as well as Uruguay.

Gauchos were very poor people and couldnīt afford this kind of luxury knives or other silver objects in general.

The use of the lady hand for the hook sheath is typical of Brazilian knives and also the shape of the handle. The hand was later copied by certain silversmiths in Argentine and Uruguay territories. The sheath decoration is also very typical of very early gaucho knives. We can classify this knife as a "puņal" for its shape.

The knife made for me by Canali is a modern work of several years ago in a handle and sheath for a very old knife blade I owned.

You can observe that there is a little hook in the end of the sheath hook. Also there is a small hole in the decoration of the tip of sheath called "batiente" in Spanish.

This is so because this type of knives had a small chain going permanently attached to the hole in the extreme of sheath and other end of chain had a small ring to hung on the little hook.

This was a custom only used in Brazil to secure the sheath to the belt and avoid loosing the knife while riding a horse. Rarely the chain is still present in these old knives today but some knives still have them.

Interesting the inscription on the blade. It was surely made by the owner because it was crudely made with a very pointed instrument on the hard surface of blade. Regrettably I tried to read it but couldnīt get what it says.

It seems to end with "fonso" ... may be the name was "Alfonso" ?? Or Iīm mistaken. Iīm really curious to know.

Congratulations on this wonderful piece Adam.

Again, please forgive my delay in answering you, and I hope you find these comments of interest and that they add to the enjoyment of your nice knife.

Best cordial regards, Abel"
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