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Old 19th February 2023, 06:31 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by ariel View Post
I am afraid that the Pala/Tulwar combination has old and genuine blade and the rest is modern. Compare the worn-out gilding of the ricasso with perfectly intact niello of the handle and the scabbard decor.
Was it sold from India?

Agreed, the hilt and scabbard seem 'modern' which would include late 19th into early 20th century, and seems to be fashioned in the 'bidri' convention, but not of course in the quality of the original. This seems likely to be Rajasthani, and indeed, one of these Assad Allah Persian trade blades of much earlier in the 19th c.

I would suggest this possibly something fashioned having to do with the durbars of the British Raj, where items were brought and sold in the bazaars present, but also such items and wares were traded among various tribal groups in a diplomatic sense.

The fact that this is a most unusual blade form for this genre of trade blades in my thought, suggests perhaps the latter is quite likely.

It is not unusual in ethnographic spheres to have heirloom or distinctive blades remounted in more current or locally favored dress. This is why these Persian trade blades are seen the scope I previously mentioned.

The blade itself retains its inherent history regardless of more modern dress, much as seen in the Figiel collection auctioned some years ago.
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