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Old 17th February 2023, 06:12 PM   #6
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Green View Post said that this type of blade is quite popular in Sumatera I can't recall I've seen any . Krisdisk also did not show this type for Sumateran kerises.
Can you explain further what you mean when you say "this type of blade". It does appear that the dhapur of you keris is very much the same as both the example i showed and the one Rasdan shows from the book. Though i suspect there is a good possibility that the blade in Rasdan's example may have originated in Jawa given the time it is said to be from. Jawa, as you know, had a great influence of keris development in certain areas of Sumatra. But all three of these keris share similar element regarding the style of tikel alis, gandik, blumbangan and greneng. It is a shame that the greneng on your blade is eroded, as i am sure that could tell us more. But all three of these blades have a short section pf greneng on the blade and just a single spike at the topside of the gonjo.
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