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Old 17th February 2023, 03:54 PM   #5
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Thank you . Although you said that this type of blade is quite popular in Sumatera I can't recall I've seen any . Krisdisk also did not show this type for Sumateran kerises.


You're absolutely right keris is about the blade primarily. Althouh to me I can only feel the attraction of an assemble if the sheath and hilt are of very good quality.My point was that the hilt, pendokok and the sheath are all from the same region (kelantan/patani) so it is much easier for me to replace this blade with kelantan/patani blade (may be saras as the batang serunai (to use the malay /patani terminology) is quite long. For this 'sumatran/west jawa) blade it would be much harder for me to find appropriate sheath and hilt for this blade.

How is the pesi of your blade? is it thick and short as mine?


Based on your comment that the blade is possibly West Jawa/SE Sumatera, would it be appropriate for me to put a Ceribon style hilt (one of those raksaksa type) a mendak and landrang sheath for this blade? or what is a better dress for it?
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